Hello All,
New to the list, loving openvz
But having trouble finding out the right settings for the containers

Can someone tell me if im in trouble or everything looks fine

vzcpucheck -v
VEID            CPUUNITS
0               1000
1               10000
7               10000
8               10000
13              10000
15              10000
23              10000
3               10000
5               10000
2               10000
9               10000
Current CPU utilization: 101000
Power of the node: 1809010

vzmemcheck -v
Output values in %
veid        LowMem  LowMem     RAM MemSwap MemSwap   Alloc   Alloc   Alloc
              util  commit    util    util  commit    util  commit   limit
9             1.44   45.79    1.13    0.97   10.77    2.16    3.42   20.15
5             3.14   45.79    3.06    2.62   10.77    5.30   10.77   20.15
3             3.96   45.79    3.08    2.64   10.77    5.06   10.77   20.15
23            2.04   45.79    2.31    1.98   10.77    3.60   10.77   20.15
15            2.69   45.79    3.45    2.95   10.77    5.25   10.77   20.15
13            2.68   45.79    2.18    1.87   10.77    4.47   10.77   20.15
8             3.33   45.79    4.21    3.60   10.77    5.91   10.77   20.15
7             2.29   45.79    1.90    1.62   10.77    3.55   10.77   20.15
2             2.41   45.79    3.39    2.90   10.77    4.72   10.99   20.15
1             1.98   45.79    1.64    1.40   10.77    2.78   10.77   20.15
Summary:     25.96  457.95   26.34   22.55  107.69   42.80  100.57  201.49

The hw node hs 24 Gb memory, expendable to 96G
2 E5520 @ 2.27GHz quadcore processes

How do i read this:
25.96 % in use
But overclocked for 457.95 % ?

With regards


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