
I have the same remark/question regarding prlctl depreciation

what should we use to clone a CT ?

I used to

/prlctl clone ct-templvz8 --name myvz8server/


nor vzctl nor virsh seems to do the job for cloning a CT, it still works with prlctl , but what should we use now and when prlctl will be really deprecated .

all these change are just a question of terminology or it is because of a breakthrough towards new API/libvirt etc ...?


Le 22/04/2022 à 12:42, Pavel Vokhmyanin a écrit :
Hello Paulo,

Virsh itself doesn't really have a "create" command. It can define domain based on xml. You either compose this xml yourself, or use virt-install to compose it for you. You can also use vzctl or install prl-disp-service and use prlctl.

If we're talking about OpenVZ9, you can use these commands for virt-install:

I.e. To create a container do the following:


    Create a disk image with|vzpkg|. For example:

    # mkdir -p /vz/mylinuxct
    # vzpkg create image centos-7-x86_64 /vz/mylinuxct/mylinuxct.hdd
    Creating Container root image at /vz/mylinuxct/mylinuxct.hdd 
    Image was succesfully created at /vz/mylinuxct/mylinuxct.hdd

    Create the container based on the disk image. For example:

    # virt-install \
    --connect vzct:///system \
    --name mylinuxct \
    --memory 2048 \
    --disk 'path=/vz/mylinuxct/mylinuxct.hdd,boot_order=1,size=64' \
    --graphics vnc,port=5903,listen=
    Starting install...
    Domain creation completed.
    You can restart your domain by running:
       virsh --connect vzct:///system start mylinuxct

Note, that is "vzct" driver, not "vz" or "openvz". It's a new driver implementation that uses libvzctl and vzevent instead of prl-disp-service integration.

Speaking of configuration you mentioned, they are not well documented at the moment. Easiest way for you to figure out how it translates into domain.xml is to use vzctl for configuration, and see how it reflects in the configuration file. Settings were designed to reuse VM (QEMU) configuration schema where possible.

Best Regards,
Pavel Vokhmyanin
Management and Integrations
*От:* users-boun...@openvz.org <users-boun...@openvz.org> от имени Paulo Coghi - Coghi IT <pauloco...@gmail.com>
*Отправлено:* 1 апреля 2022 г. 8:41
*Кому:* OpenVZ users <users@openvz.org>
*Тема:* [Users] Equivalent "virsh" commands to set container parameters like "prlctl set"
Hello OpenVZ community,

Now that new OpenVZ versions have officially migrated to virsh as the main management tool, I would like to ask which are the equivalent commands in vitsh to set parameters provided by "prlctl set", like --cpulimit, --cpuunits, --nodemask, --ioprio, --ioprio, --iolimit, --rate, --ratebound.

Also, is there any important step on virsh to ensure the creation of a container instead of a vm, like prlctl create --vmtype ct?

Paulo Coghi

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