It was worth a shot.

Still quite problematic, not usable. Interestingly, the VMs running OVZ9
pre-release are still running host routed containers but the OVZ9 install
on a physical machine is quite broken in many ways.

I installed from openvz-iso-9.0.1-550.iso, and was able to create a
container, which seemed to work perfectly well. Then, I installed prlctl,
which, when invoked, yields this output:

"prlctl: symbol lookup error: prlsrvctl: undefined symbol:

I installed prl-disp-service, which changed the prlctl error to one about
being unable to contact vz.

So, I installed vcmmd, which pulled in numerous dependencies, and
apparently downgraded ovz 9.0.1-550 to ovz 9.0.0-264

# cat /etc/virtuozzo-release
OpenVZ release 9.0.0 (264)

The container created previously has disappeared, and the network is broken:

# prlsrvctl net list
WARNING: You are using a deprecated CLI component that will be dropped in
the next major release. Please use virsh instead
Failed to retrieve the list of Virtual Networks: Unexpected error. An
unexpected error occurred.

Oh, well, there's always the next pre-release to look forward to.


On Fri, May 26, 2023 at 9:54 AM jjs - mainphrame <> wrote:

> Downloading now from
> Will test and comment back here - hoping for some improvement in
> functionality.
> Jake
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