Hi Maik,

do you have updates regarding the future of OpenVZ ?

Thank you

Am 29.08.2023 um 08:38 schrieb Maik Broemme:
Hi Jake,

there is no public roadmap of OpenVZ available but there is at least a
solid plan around it and we are going to release it together with our
commercial version of Virtuozzo Hybrid Server 9 in Q1/2024.

On Aug 28, 2023, at 23:31, jjs - mainphrame <j...@mainphrame.com> wrote:
Hello all,
Where can I go to find the latest status or roadmap on openvz 9?

This list seems quiet as a graveyard lately, and I haven't seen any sort of a
usable openvz 9 release yet. On the day a functional openvz 9 beta is released,
I will jump for joy. I have some hardware set aside for that eventuality.

Until then, my last remaining OVZ 7 machine lives on as a VM in proxmox 8.


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Maik Broemme | Senior Product Manager | Virtuozzo | maik.broe...@virtuozzo.com
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