On 02/23/2012 02:21 PM, Terry Phelps wrote:
Thanks for the quick reply.

My one hypervisor already had the ISO domain mounted (without any
explicit action by me):
This is to be expected. VDSM needs the mount. I suggested that command just in case it wasn't mounted for some odd reason.
mount | grep iso

oravm3.acbl.net:/isodomain/ on
/rhev/data-center/mnt/oravm3.acbl.net:_isodomain type nfs4

Using this mount (I didn't do exactly what you said, if that matters),
Nope, you're fine.
I did the tests you asked for.
Yes, I can touch a new file.
Yes, I can read the ISO file

Here is what I saw:

I'm assuming you were "vdsm" when you executed these commands, right?
bash-4.2$ ls
bash-4.2$ touch me
bash-4.2$ ls
me  OracleLinux-R6-U2-Server-x86_64-dvd.iso
bash-4.2$ strings Orac* |head -2
LINUX                           OL6.2 x86_64 Disc 1 20111212

Funny, though. When I typed "su - vdsm" by mistake, from root, it said
"This account is currently not available." (Is that relevant?) But
what you said to do did work fine.
By default vdsm is given a nologin shell for security reasons. The "-s /bin/bash" overrides that when switching users.
Other ideas/
Not at the moment. I think you've done a fairly good job of demonstrating that VDSM would not have any permission problems reading or writing to the NFS export.
On 2/23/12, Keith Robertson<krobe...@redhat.com>  wrote:
Please try this from a hyper-visor:

     1. mkdir /mnt/testmount
     2. mount<nfs server
     3. su -s /bin/bash vdsm<-- Really important.
     4. cd  /mnt/testmount
     5. touch test.txt
     6. strings OracleLinux-R6-U2-Server-x86_64-dvd.iso
     Do steps 5 and 6 work?  If they do not then it is a red flag that
VDSM cannot r/w your storage domain and this is an error.

On 02/23/2012 02:03 PM, Terry Phelps wrote:
I am experimenting with the recently released oVirt product. I
installed ovirt-node 2.2.2 on a server, and the ovirt engine on a new
Fedora 16 installation. I attached the ovirt-node to the manager, got
it up and ready for use. I created two additional NFS domains, one for
data and one for export. Those two and the automatically installed one
called "ISODomain" are all three "green" and "active".

On the ovirt manager Fedora box, I used engine-iso-uploader to upload
an ISO to "ISODomain". The command was
     engine-iso-uploader -i ISODomain upload my.iso

This completed okay, and the ISO file has been copied there:

# du -k /isodomain/
24      /isodomain/48a5390f-2f86-485c-8537-b6bc9dd71796/dom_md
3507200 /isodomain/48a5390f-2f86-485c-8537-b6bc9dd71796/images
3507228 /isodomain/48a5390f-2f86-485c-8537-b6bc9dd71796
3507232 /isodomain/

# pwd

[root@oravm3 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111]# ls -l
total 3507192
-rw-r-----. 1 vdsm kvm 3591360512 Feb 23 13:24

The problem is that I can't see the ISO from the ovirt manager. When I
open the storage tab, and click on the ISO domain, and then open the
images tab, it shows NOTHING. I refreshed it, and even logged out and
back in again, but the ISO isn't visible from here.

Shouldn't it be?
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