2 aug 2012 kl. 15.05 skrev Martin Kletzander:


Thanks for reporting this, I've found now where the problem is and it is
in libvirt. However this issue is not easy to fix as it reveals more
than just this one problem. The format for outputting floating point
numbers into JSON string seems to be locale-dependent. Could you send me
what locale are you having? I guess you could migrate the guest by
starting libvirt with "LC_ALL=C" set.

OK, wow, awesome! Sorry, I´m not too familiar with Fedora, more of a BSD-guy, 
in learning:) How do you change Locale to something more appropriate? And what 
does it like?


On 08/02/2012 02:01 PM, Karli Sjöberg wrote:

Wondering if anyone has encountered the same issue as me. On one host in
my cluster, if I migrate in a guest, I cannot migrate it out to another
host?  The get "stuck" there, so to speak. Same when a guest is started
on that particular host, it is impossible to migrate them out again.

Med Vänliga Hälsningar
Karli Sjöberg
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Box 7079 (Visiting Address Kronåsvägen 8)
S-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden
Phone:  +46-(0)18-67 15 66

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