
During the tests I have faced the below bug:

vdsm-4.14.1-2 unable to restart on reboot after a network is defined on ovirt-node

Additionally (not related to iproute2 tests), I have faced:

[RFE] report BOOTPROTO and BONDING_OPTS independent of netdevice.cfg
(I have workaround creating manually ifcfg-em1 and ifcfg-ovirtmgmt)

firefox seg faults when using the Admin Portal on RHEL 6.5
(Updated to firefox-24.2.0-6.el6_5.x86_64 resolved the problem.)

Test data for iproute2:

- Setup Node -> put it in maintenance
- Changed the vdsm.conf on node to:

ssl = true
net_configurator = iproute2
net_persistence = unified

management_port = 54321

- Restart vdsm/supervdsm
- Host is UP again, no problems

- DataCenter -> Logical Network -> New
  - Name: net25 -> [x] Enable Vlan tagging  [  ] VM Network

- Since I have just one nic at host I have added dummy interface.
#ip link add name dummy_interface type dummy

- Put the host in maintenance and put again UP to recognize the new interface

- Host -> Network -> Setup Host Networks
  -> drag/drop net25 to dummy_interace
  -> [x] save network interface

On host vdsClient -s 0 getVdsCaps appears [net25]

* Rebooted to check if the new net25 will be persistent.

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