>>On 21/10/14 02:27, Paul Jansen wrote: >>>I've just been doing some searching 
>>to try and work out how to get a >>>vmware windows VM into ovirt. >>>It seems 
>>that the newest virtv2v has dropped support for importing >>>from an ESXi 
>>standalone machine - and now only works with vcenter.  I >>>didn't have any 
>>success with using the current virt-v2v attaching to >>>an ESXi host. 
>>>>>>>>I've prepared the VM by first removing the vmware tools and have 
>>>>>installled the various virtio drivers, as well as running the 
>>>>>'mergeide' registry file to enable IDE.  I've used 'qemu-img' to 
>>>>>convirt this VMDK file to QCOW2.  It does not appear that there is a 
>>>>>straightforward way for me to import this new qcow2 disk into ovirt. 
>>>>>>>>It seems my best option at the moment is to export the VMware VM as 
>>>>>an OVA and then try and use a newer virt-v2v to import this into ovirt. 
>>>>>Alternatively I could construct a VM in virt-manager and attach the 
>>>>>converted qcow2 disk
 to it, and then use virt-v2v to import this into >>>ovirt. >>>>>>Can someone 
suggest an alternative course of action?  It seems >>>strange that I can't just 
import a disk into ovirt,  construct a VM >>>and attach the disk. >>>>>>Is 
there anything int he works to make this process easier? >>>>>>Thanks, >>>Paul 
>Wrote this awhile back as a quick qcow to ovf implementation to import 
>into ovirt-engine/rhevm. There are newer options but this does the job 
>really quick. Will wrap the qcow image into an exploded ova structure or 
>zipped. You can then import it directly into engine with 
> >https://jboggs.fedorapeople.org/guest-image-ovf-creator.py 
Thanks for all the replies with suggestions on how to tackle this.

I've tried Joey's script above and it does the trick nicely.
Having 'qemu-img', Joey's script referenced above plus engine-image-uploader on 
a machine allowed me to convert a VMDK file to QCOW2 and then push the resulant 
QCOW2 disk - wrapped in a basic VM - up to my ovirt export domain.
From there I was able to import it as a template, and then create a machine 
based on that template.
This was relatively simple.

I'm looking forward to seeing some integration in the oVirt UI that may handle 
this in future.
I have a VMware vcenter installation and often use the 'deploy from OVF 
template' menu item - which I just pass a http URI with the OVF/OVA and have it 
deploy a VM on my cluster.  This would be great to see in ovirt.
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