On 10/23/2014 12:13 PM, Paul Jansen wrote:
Cluster emulation modes <http://www.ovirt.org/Cluster_emulation_modes>
Contents 1 Cluster emulation mode 1.1 Summary 1.2 Owner 1.3 Current status 1.4 Detailed Description 1.4.1 New Config value 1.4.2 New Host field 1.4.3 New Cluster field 1.4.4 New NON_OPERATIONAL reason

View on www.ovirt.org <http://www.ovirt.org/Cluster_emulation_modes>
Preview by Yahoo

/On 23/10/14///  03:50/  , Paul Jansen wrote:/
>Is there a way to get QEMUs q35 machine in Ovirt?
>I've just upgraded my ovirt 3.4.4 install that has a couple of EL6.5 hosts.
>If I create a cluster with EL7 or F20 hosts will I get the option to use the 
q35 machine?
>If so, how can I select this?

After doing some more searching I came across these two pages:

It sounds like this may allow me to achieve what I've described above.
From what I can tell the 'emulated machine type' is tied to the ovirt cluster level - ie: 3.5.

you can switch q35 with pc-1.0 in ClusterEmulatedMachines config value for version 3.5

  engine-config -s ClusterEmulatedMachines="q35,rhel6.5.0"

then create a new cluster and add that host to it. once the host is up this emulation mode should be set.

in 3.6 you'd be able to choose an emulation mode per VM.

Is it a case of waiting for ovirt 3.6 to be able to override this or is there some other way to achieve this now?

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