On 10/23/2014 16:56 PM, Roy Golan wrote:
>On 10/23/2014 12:13 PM, Paul Jansen wrote: >>>>>>>>>>Cluster emulation modes 
><http://www.ovirt.org/Cluster_emulation_modes> >>Contents 1 Cluster emulation 
>mode 1.1 Summary 1.2 Owner 1.3 Current >>status 1.4 Detailed Description 1.4.1 
>New Config value 1.4.2 New Host >>field 1.4.3 New Cluster field 1.4.4 New 
>NON_OPERATIONAL reason >>>>View on www.ovirt.org 
><http://www.ovirt.org/Cluster_emulation_modes> >>>>Preview by Yahoo >>>>/On 
>23/10/14///  03:50/  , Paul Jansen wrote:/ >>>Is there a way to get QEMUs q35 
>machine in Ovirt? >>>I've just upgraded my ovirt 3.4.4 install that has a 
>couple of EL6.5 hosts. >>>If I create a cluster with EL7 or F20 hosts will I 
>get the option to use the q35 machine? >>>If so, how can I select this? >>> 
>>>>Thanks. >>>>After doing some more searching I came across these two pages: 
>>>http://www.ovirt.org/Features/Cluster_parameters_override >>>>It sounds like 
>this may allow me to
 achieve what I've described above. >>From what I can tell the 'emulated 
machine type' is tied to the ovirt >>cluster level - ie: 3.5. >>>>you can 
switch q35 with pc-1.0 in ClusterEmulatedMachines config value >for version 3.5 
>>   engine-config -s ClusterEmulatedMachines="q35,rhel6.5.0" >>then create a 
new cluster and add that host to it. once the host is up >this emulation mode 
should be set. >>in 3.6 you'd be able to choose an emulation mode per VM.
Thanks Roy.  I will give this a try, create a new cluster and add a new host to 
test this out.
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