Hey G!

Didn't you write some time ago that you used FC storage? Perhaps you can answer Jacob's question...


Den 14 nov. 2018 16:39 skrev Jacob Green <jgr...@aasteel.com>:
I just have a few simple questions, have you migrated a fiber
channel storage domain from one ovirt environment to another? And how
did it go, did it just work aside from having to import all the vms and
configure their settings was it any more difficult than that?

We want to migrate our fiber channel storage with VM's intact from an
oVirt 4.1 environment to a brand new oVirt 4.2 environment.

We are using fiber channel via An HP MSA. I do not for see any issues,
but since we have never done it before, and we do not have spare Fiber
Channel storage to test with, we are just unsure of what the behavior
should be. So just wanted to get some opinions or basic guidance, is
there anything we should watch out for and does it "just work".

Jacob Green

Systems Admin

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