On Tue, Apr 26, 2022 at 9:32 AM <noua.toukou...@uni.lu> wrote:
> Hi,
> I successfully migrated from 4.3 to 4.4 and ran ovirt-engine-rename. Now I 
> would also like to renew the self-signed CA cert since it still has the CN of 
> the former engine.
> Any idea how to do this ?

The CA Cert is not touched by ovirt-engine-rename, deliberately. If
you really need to completely get rid of the old name in wherever it
appears, it's best to start from scratch, and perhaps then import your
storage domains if needed.

In principle, you might manually recreate all the pki on an existing
setup, as you asked. This is a delicate process, and I am not aware of
a documented and tested procedure to do this.

See also:


Also, please note that 4.5.0 was released and 4.4 is no longer
supported - please upgrade. But my answer remains the same for 4.5

Best regards,
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