Hello All,

I've been struggling with a few issues upgrading my 3-node HCI custer from
4.4 to 4.5.

At present the self hosted engine VM is properly running oVirt 4.5 on
CentOS 8x stream.

First host node, I set in maintenance and installed new node-ng image. I
ran into issue with rescue mode on boot which appears to have been related
to LVM devices bug. I was able to work past that and get the node to boot.

The node running 4.5.2 image is booting properly and gluster/lvm mounts etc
all look good. I am able to activate the host and run VMs on it etc.
however, oVirt cli is showing that all bricks on host are DOWN.

I was unable to get the bricks back up even after doing a force start of
the volumes.

Here is the glusterd log from the host in question when I try force start
on the engine volume (other volumes are similar:

==> glusterd.log <==
The message "I [MSGID: 106568] [glusterd-svc-mgmt.c:266:glusterd_svc_stop]
0-management: bitd service is stopped" repeated 2 times between [2022-08-29
18:09:56.027147 +0000] and [2022-08-29 18:10:34.694144 +0000]
[2022-08-29 18:10:34.695348 +0000] I [MSGID: 106618]
[glusterd-svc-helper.c:909:glusterd_attach_svc] 0-glusterd: adding svc
glustershd (volume=engine) to existing process with pid 2473
[2022-08-29 18:10:34.695669 +0000] I [MSGID: 106131]
[glusterd-proc-mgmt.c:84:glusterd_proc_stop] 0-management: scrub already
[2022-08-29 18:10:34.695691 +0000] I [MSGID: 106568]
[glusterd-svc-mgmt.c:266:glusterd_svc_stop] 0-management: scrub service is
[2022-08-29 18:10:34.695832 +0000] I [MSGID: 106617]
[glusterd-svc-helper.c:698:glusterd_svc_attach_cbk] 0-management: svc
glustershd of volume engine attached successfully to pid 2473
[2022-08-29 18:10:34.703718 +0000] E [MSGID: 106115]
[glusterd-mgmt.c:119:gd_mgmt_v3_collate_errors] 0-management: Post commit
failed on gluster2.xxxxx. Please check log file for details.
[2022-08-29 18:10:34.703774 +0000] E [MSGID: 106115]
[glusterd-mgmt.c:119:gd_mgmt_v3_collate_errors] 0-management: Post commit
failed on gluster1.xxxxx. Please check log file for details.
[2022-08-29 18:10:34.703797 +0000] E [MSGID: 106664]
[glusterd-mgmt.c:1969:glusterd_mgmt_v3_post_commit] 0-management: Post
commit failed on peers
[2022-08-29 18:10:34.703800 +0000] E [MSGID: 106664]
[glusterd-mgmt.c:2664:glusterd_mgmt_v3_initiate_all_phases] 0-management:
Post commit Op Failed

If I run start command manually on host cli:

 gluster volume start engine force
volume start: engine: failed: Post commit failed on gluster1.xxxx. Please
check log file for details.
Post commit failed on gluster2.xxxx. Please check log file for details.

I feel like this may be some issue with the difference in major versions of
GlusterFS on the nodes but I am unsure. The other nodes are running

At this point I am afraid to bring down any other node to attempt upgrading
it without the bricks in UP status on the first host. I do not want to lose
quorum and potentially disrupt running VMs.

Any idea why I can't seem to start the volumes on the upgraded host?

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