> Now the engine won't start at all and I'm afraid I'm one power outage 
> away from complete disaster.  I need to keep the old location up and 
> functioning for another 4-6 months, so any insights would be greatly 
> appreciated.

'engine won't start at all' can mean two things:

1) OS can't boot and thus you can't do SSH. Assuming that we are talking 
self-hosted engine, then you need to use command like below on host that runs 
ovengine VM (virsh -c 
qemu:///system?authfile=/etc/ovirt-hosted-engine/virsh_auth.conf list and 
hosted-engine --vm-status might be helpful, VM should at least start to boot in 
order for you to achieve connectivity via console):
hosted-engine --add-console-password --password=somepassword
and then connect via VNC to IP that you will see in output and password that 
you used

2) ovirt-engine service can't start 
In that case it is likely that you will find reason of that in 
 journalctl -u ovirt-engine --no-pager

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