
I've created the following JIRA issue to request the functionality to create
a feature for the current artifact:

Thanks for your help.


On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 4:06 PM, Gert Vanthienen

> Jim,
> Yeah, that's basically correct -- it generates a feature descriptor
> for the direct dependencies of the project.  For an example, have a
> look at
> which generates a features descriptor for all the Camel components.
> In the latest plugin 1.2-SNAPSHOT version, the discovery of bundles in
> the dependencies happens before the generation process starts, also
> taking into account transitive dependencies.
> It would indeed make sense to improve the generator to build a feature
> for the current artifact -- could you raise a JIRA issue for that in
> (component Karaf, which is
> the new name/location for the ServiceMix Kernel project)?
> Regards,
> Gert Vanthienen
> ------------------------
> Open Source SOA:
> Blog:
> 2009/4/29 Jim Breen <>:
> > Gert,
> >
> > Thanks very much.  Is there an example anywhere for the
> > generate-features-xml goal?
> >
> > Here's what I'm trying:
> >
> > <plugin>
> >    <groupId>org.apache.servicemix.tooling</groupId>
> >    <artifactId>features-maven-plugin</artifactId>
> >    <executions>
> >        <execution>
> >            <phase>compile</phase>
> >            <goals>
> >                <goal>generate-features-xml</goal>
> >            </goals>
> >            <configuration>
> >                <kernelVersion>1.1.0</kernelVersion>
> >                <!--
> >                    <bundles>target/classes/</bundles>
> >                -->
> >            </configuration>
> >        </execution>
> >    </executions>
> > </plugin>
> >
> > Is the format of the <bundles> file just a list of bundles in the form:
> > groupId/artifactId/version/type?
> >
> > I was hoping that this goal would generate a feature for my project's
> > artifact.  However, the behavior seems to be the following:
> > - Create a feature for every direct dependency of the current project.
> > - Add direct dependencies to list of known bundles as they are processed.
> > - Find bundles that implement the feature bundle's package requirements
> from
> > the list of known bundles, and add those bundles to the feature
> definition.
> > - Attach the generated XML file as an artifact of the project
> >
> > Is this accurate?  Is there anyway to create a features configuration for
> > the project's artifact?
> >
> > Also, the automatic bundle discovery seems to only look at the the first
> > level of transitive dependencies.  Is that correct?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Jim
> >
> >
> >
> > On Apr 28, 2009, at 3:44 PM, Gert Vanthienen wrote:
> >
> >> Jim,
> >>
> >> I'm afraid there's no documentation on the features-maven-plugin
> >> currently -- making a note on my todo list now to do it soon if nobody
> >> beats me to it.
> >>
> >> Currently, the plugin has two goals that are more or less useful:
> >> - add-features-to-repo allows you to seed a maven repository with all
> >> the bundles required for a given set of features - it can help you
> >> build your own package/distribution.  For an example, look at the
> >> features/assembly pom.xml
> >> - generate-features-xml generates a features.xml file for a given
> >> maven artifact, by looking into the OSGi imports for the artifacts and
> >> figuring out which bundles to add for satisfying all the requirements
> >>
> >> For the near future, we're planning to add:
> >> - a validate goal to validate a features.xml file for consistency (do
> >> all the bundles exist, have all the OSGi imports been met...)
> >> - goals to install/uninstall features using the JMX Features MBean
> >> that's in ServiceMix Kernel.
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >>
> >> Gert Vanthienen
> >> ------------------------
> >> Open Source SOA:
> >> Blog:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> 2009/4/28 Jim Breen <>:
> >>>
> >>> Is there any documentation for the features-maven-plugin?  I see an
> >>> example
> >>> of how it's used in the SMX4 pom.xml, but I'd like to know more about
> >>> it's
> >>> capabilities.
> >>>
> >>> Thanks for any info,
> >>>
> >>> Jim
> >>>
> >
> >

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