I'm a bit confused by the use case. 

Breakage should only occur if the bundle is exporting an API that is versioned, 
and you have a bundle that is explicitly set to not accept the new package 

Or is the breakage somewhere else?


-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Walters [mailto:steven.walt...@icidigital.com] 
Sent: Monday, September 21, 2015 11:03 AM
To: users@sling.apache.org
Subject: Control JcrInstaller (OsgiInstaller) Behavior of Bundle Updating vs 

Is it possible to control the JcrInstaller behavior (which utilizes the 
OsgiInstaller functionality) to indicate whether a bundle should be considered 
a "new install" rather than an "update"?

upload guava-17.0.jar to /apps/a/install/guava-17.0.jar This creates a new 
bundle registered within Felix.

upload guava-18.0.jar to /apps/b/install/guava-18.0.jar This updates the 17.0 
bundle in felix to be the 18 version.

This is rather undesirable result (to have 17 be updated to 18 here), as this 
causes all functionality dependent on 17 to now fail.

Instead I would like to have 18 be installed as "new" rather than as an 
"update", but am having trouble finding out how to do this, is this possible?


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