I was going to say that you shouldn't need to implement NonExistingResource 
interface because a selector wouldn't impact resolution then I had one of those 
blinding aha moments.

In the case of the url you posted you aren't adding a selector, you are 
modifying the resource name.  '/content/dam/nice-image.jpg' does not have an 
extension in the traditional sense, in the traditional sling sense the resource 
would actually be '/content/dam/nice-image' and jpg would be a handler that 
would return the asset as a jpeg. 

So when you are adding a selector to it it's not matching anything because 
there is no '/content/dam/nice-image' resource to match against.

So first make your request find the resource without the servlet in the way. If 
you switch around the .cdn to the end and add a period at the end of cdn like 


This should work to return the original nice-image.jpg at that point it should 
be easier to create a servlet that will have the resource as part of the 

Or optionally you could try adding a sling:resourceType to the image and have a 
selector within that resource type that does what you need it do.


-----Original Message-----
From: Roy Teeuwen [mailto:r...@teeuwen.be] 
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2016 3:17 PM
To: users@sling.apache.org
Subject: Re: Getting the actual resource from a request

Hmm Sorry Jason,

I might have had to notice that I am extending SlingSafeMethodServlet but also 
implementing the following servlet:

And as it states in the docs itself, it also says:
      public boolean accepts(SlingHttpServletRequest request) {
          // get non-existing path (incl. selectors and extension!)
          String path = request.getResource().getPath();
          // return true if this servlet can handle this path
          return true;

So probably it’s not possible to do it through this interface in without 
manually parseing :) It also says in the docs: Please note: This is a temporary 
solution until Sling provides a built-in mechanism for this use case. Not to be 
used by client implementations!

Any clue if it is possible yet to do it with standard sling, the thing I try to 
achieve is a servlet that also catches resources with a selector AND suffix (as 
stated in my example of course) ?


> On 28 Jul 2016, at 18:35, Jason Bailey <jason.bai...@sas.com> wrote:
> I'm under the understanding that it is;
> request.getResource().getPath()
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Roy Teeuwen [mailto:r...@teeuwen.be]
> Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2016 12:31 PM
> To: users@sling.apache.org
> Subject: Getting the actual resource from a request
> Hey all,
> I am creating a SlingServlet that will work by both using a selector 
> and a suffix. The resource is for example /content/dam/image.jpg and 
> the actual url will be 
> /content/dam/nice-image.cdn.jpg/modification-date/20160815/nice-image.
> jpg
> What is the most easy way to get the actual resource path again from the 
> SlingHttpServletRequest? Currently I am doing the following but I find it a 
> bit cumbersome:
> private String getResourcePath(SlingHttpServletRequest request) {
>    String requestUrl = request.getRequestPathInfo().getResourcePath();
>    int endIndex = 
> requestUrl.lastIndexOf(request.getRequestPathInfo().getSuffix());
>    String resourcePathWithSelector = requestUrl.substring(0, endIndex);
>    endIndex = 
> resourcePathWithSelector.lastIndexOf(request.getRequestPathInfo().getSelectorString()
>  + "." + request.getRequestPathInfo().getExtension());
>    return resourcePathWithSelector.substring(0, endIndex) + 
> request.getRequestPathInfo().getExtension();
> }
> Is there an easier way or is parsing it like this the only way?
> Also after I got the actual resourcePath, I tried doing the following, but 
> this doesn’t seem to work, any clue on why? 
> @Override
> protected void doGet(SlingHttpServletRequest request, 
> SlingHttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
>      RequestDispatcherOptions opts = new RequestDispatcherOptions();
>      opts.setReplaceSelectors("");
>      String resourcePath = getResourcePath(request);
>      RequestDispatcher dispatcher = 
> request.getRequestDispatcher(resourcePath, opts);
>      if (dispatcher != null) {
>          dispatcher.forward(request, response);
>      }
> }
> I would expect that the previous would actually just forward it to the 
> actual image being fetched from the getResourcePath but it just gives 
> me a 404 not found (I checked the getResourcePath and it does return 
> /content/dam/nice-image.jpg)
> Thanks!
> Roy

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