I'm trying to define the folder for the Tar/Repository files in Sling.
However, I can't figure out the right way to set the repository.home
folder on initial setup.

As I understand it, the Tar SegmentNodeStoreService is supposed to
default to a folder under the {sling.home} path, set with the -c
argument. No matter what I try it is always placing the repository
folder relative to the folder I'm running java from. The rest of the
Sling files goes in the sling.home folder.

For instance, if I'm in


and I run

java -jar project/target/sling-app.jar -c /temp

The sling bundles, logs, etc will be under /temp, but the
sling/repository folder will be put under the ~/Development/sling
folder. (what I want to change)

I've tried adding these extra command line arguments too, but they don't help.


Thanks in advance

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