Hi Julian,

Am Mo., 27. Aug. 2018 um 13:51 Uhr schrieb Julian Sedding <

> Hi Jörg
> I would argue that a new ResourceResolver for each "onEvent" call
> would be advisable. Not only to avoid the problem you observe, but
> also to avoid the risk of the session being used concurrently from
> multiple threads. Not sure if JCR event hanlders may be called
> concurrently though.

IIRC multiple handlers can run in parallel, but as observation must be
handled in a strict serialized way, the sme handler is not running
concurrently. Also creating new sessions / resource resolvers for each
event can be quite some overhead, especially if a lot of events needs to be

> The alternative, which doesn't guard against concurrent use, would be
> to call refresh on the long-lived ResourceResolver, which you use to
> register the JCR event listener, as the first thing in the "onEvent"
> call. This will also refresh the internal
> "resourceTypeResourceResolver" if it exists (it is created when
> isResourceType() is called for the first time on a ResourceResolver,
> and it is bound to that ResourceResolver's life-cycle).
I guess that's the best way to handle this. I will recommend it.


Jörg Hoh,

Twitter: @joerghoh

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