On 2014-05-12, 4:35 AM, Albert Shih wrote:
We got a very big problem with sogo.

We manage to switch to sogo from our old squirrelmail. But now I got many

    sogod [31330]: [ERROR] <0x0x2b427b8416c8[WOWatchDog]> No child available to 
handle incoming request!

and I put 32 threads.

  more /etc/sysconfig/sogo
  # The amount of processes that should be spawned (Default: 1)


   grep Work /etc/sogo/sogo.conf
     WOWorkersCount = 32;

Any idea ?
You have to see what is slowing down the sogod processes. Once thing you can do is install the SOGo debugging packages and when you see something like that in your logs: " pid 666 has been hanging in the same request for 1 minutes", attach to that pid using gdb (gdb -p PID) and produce a stack trace (http://www.sogo.nu/fr/nc/support/faq/article/how-do-i-debug-sogo.html)

What you currently see could be due, for example, to: slow IMAP server or running out of IMAP connections, slow database server, slow LDAP server, memory thrashing, etc.


Ludovic Marcotte
lmarco...@inverse.ca  ::  +1.514.755.3630  ::  http://inverse.ca
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo (http://sogo.nu) and PacketFence 


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