Hi all,

Another question...

There is one specific type of error that shows up formatted differently...

Virtually all of the log lines start with Mmm DD TT:TT:TT, like this:

Jul 08 13:09:10 sogod [32691]: [ERROR] <0x0x7ff375ee3c50[NGLdapAttribute]> could not convert value of objectGUID to string

except for these, which start with YYYY-MM-DD TT:TT:TT:

2014-07-08 13:09:26.547 sogod[32622] ERROR(-[NGLdapSearchResultEnumerator nextObject]): does not support result references yet

Also, after the seconds, there is a period followed by a 3 digit number... what is that? Ie, in the above, 13:09:26.547 - what is that .547?

These lines formatted differently only show up very rarely, but when they do, those last digits are always in increments, sometimes sequential, but if not, only one or two numbers are skipped...

Ie, these:

2014-07-08 11:03:56.205 sogod[31654]
2014-07-08 11:03:56.206 sogod[31654]
2014-07-08 11:03:56.208 sogod[31654]
2014-07-08 11:03:56.209 sogod[31654]




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