
You need to enable relay (perhaps authenticated) on your SOGo server, and configure that in thunderbird.


On 1/20/2015 14:17, Steve Ankeny wrote:

I have tested server side and via the SOGo web interface, and I see no
problems with SMTP

The problem is in the connection between Thunderbird and the mail server.

[ see attached image ]

I've deleted the existing exemption certificates from the "old" mail
server (different IP, same name) to eliminate confusion, and I've
accepted a "new" exemption certificate from the "new" mail server.

The "old" server is running with no services active (again, to eliminate

I've tried the various SMTP settings in TB -- None, STARTTLS, SSL/TLS

*Should I be using Port 587?*  It is not currently active on the mail

I tried setting Port 587 in "inet_listener lmtp" but it required Port 24
(and, that's proper for receiving mail)

*Where would I set Port 587 in Dovecot/Postfix**?*  And, would that help?

SOGo Integrator is set to HTTP://ip_address not HTTPS (although it will
work both ways)  We will have to set it to HTTPS when we configure
Outlook (once we receive updated "ocsmanager-rpcproxy" packages)

*Should I set it to HTTPS now?*  Here's the relevant "mail.log" entries:

(1) using STARTTLS

Jan 20 07:13:08 sogo postfix/smtpd[17495]: connect from

Jan 20 07:13:09 sogo postfix/smtpd[17495]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from
unknown[]: 454 4.7.1 <stev...@cinergymetro.net>: Relay
access denied; from=<user.surn...@sambaad.com>
to=<stev...@cinergymetro.net> proto=ESMTP helo=<[]>

Jan 20 07:13:14 sogo postfix/smtpd[17495]: disconnect from

(2) using SSL/TLS

Jan 20 07:14:15 sogo postfix/smtpd[17495]: connect from

Jan 20 07:15:05 sogo postfix/smtpd[17495]: lost connection after UNKNOWN
from unknown[]

Jan 20 07:15:05 sogo postfix/smtpd[17495]: disconnect from

Jan 20 07:16:27 sogo dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (no auth attempts
in 1 secs): user=<>, rip=, lip=, TLS:
SSL_read() failed: error:14094418:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:tlsv1
alert unknown ca: SSL alert number 48, session=<YWN8aBQNEwDAqHmz>

(3) using None

Jan 20 07:17:55 sogo postfix/smtpd[17512]: connect from

Jan 20 07:17:55 sogo postfix/smtpd[17512]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from
unknown[]: 454 4.7.1 <stev...@cinergymetro.net>: Relay
access denied; from=<user.surn...@sambaad.com>
to=<stev...@cinergymetro.net> proto=ESMTP helo=<[]>

Jan 20 07:17:58 sogo postfix/smtpd[17512]: disconnect from

(4) using STARTTLS Port 587

Jan 20 07:19:28 sogo postfix/smtpd[17512]: connect from

Jan 20 07:19:28 sogo postfix/smtpd[17512]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from
unknown[]: 454 4.7.1 <stev...@cinergymetro.net>: Relay
access denied; from=<user.surn...@sambaad.com>
to=<stev...@cinergymetro.net> proto=ESMTP helo=<[]>

Jan 20 07:19:34 sogo postfix/smtpd[17512]: disconnect from

NOQUEUE generally signifies SMTP cannot identify the domain as a
legitimate domain, but as we've seen, it works perfectly from the SOGo
web interface, and the domain checks out perfectly with SMTP telnet tools.

It's strictly when trying to connect FROM Thunderbird.

*What am I overlooking?*  Thanks for any help/hints any one might have.

On 01/19/2015 05:57 PM, Steve Ankeny wrote:
I am having trouble sending mail from Thunderbird to outside recipients.

I have no problems receiving mail or sending internally, and I have no
problems sending mail from the SOGo web interface whether inside or
outside the mail domain.  I am using a Samba AD with virtual mailboxes.

Thunderbird 31.1.2, SOGo Integrator/Connector 31.0.1


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