I'm curious, would you agree with the other person who replied about
issues with Openchange+Outlook?

On 7/16/2015 6:29 PM, Infoomatic <infooma...@gmx.at> wrote:
> Hi,
> We have evaluated Kolab but found it not stable, neither the community 
> edition nor the enterprise edition. Too many bugs, a beta version of cyrus 
> losing index files on a regular basis, stuck (zombie) processes, a setup 
> routine which does not exchange the placeholder/variables in the config 
> files, a version of 389-directory server with serious flaws etc. We did use 
> it in production for a year, but after a while with heavy usage and with 
> mailboxes with up to 200k mails we encountered lots of issues; users losing 
> all of their contacts (or at least problems with syncing ... the files were 
> on the server, however they disappeared on the mobile phone as well as in the 
> webinterface), same problem with calendars. The documentation is not really 
> straight forward and you have to do a lot of dirty hacks; too much dirty 
> patches on roundcube that actually do not 100% work; even a scripted daemon 
> that does content analysis (wallaced), but there exists 0 documentation and 
> the daemon hangs once in a while. We also had issues with the admin interface 
> somehow modifying the ldap schema. In the end: lots of troubles.
> My view on MS Exchange is biased since I strongly believe in open source, 
> however in a project I have to use it. I don't like it, its bloated and very 
> very slow, the Microsoft Smart Filtering really sucks and using the buggy 
> relay connectors is just pure pain in the ass. Even with the old mailserver 
> on the same GBit-switch we did not manage to get more than 5 mails/sec into 
> MS Exchange (dovecot on a testserver did around 30). Lots of tools get 
> timeout because its so slow (running new adequate hardware for about 80 
> users), e.g. the Xerox WorkCentre cannot send scans because establishing a 
> connection to the server is too slow. IMAP support is under all critics, 
> users moving folders around get error messages in thunderbird because they 
> are still shown on the old places, so they have to delete the account and 
> create a new one. The Outlook Web App (webinterface) is also not that 
> userfriendly, losing some mails contents and mixing up some "conversations", 
> also, when you delete some mails via webinterface they show up on IMAP for 
> hours, it needs a long time to "synchronize". Search seems buggy because some 
> mails are not found when you search a term. Gna, have to stop this here ... I 
> just hate it.
> Now, SOGo: 
> *) few bugs, most of them I can live with
> *) compared to Kolab: fast bug fixes and _stable_ releases
> *) fast & lightweight, fast & lightweight, fast & lightweight!!!
> *) Excellent documentation
> *) Good package management and straight forward lifecycle management (almost 
> always upgrades without worries!)
> *) As mentioned elsewhere: I like the GUI, its like a desktop software ... I 
> am a little worried about V3 that has to be "modern" - I think its difficult 
> for all the functionality to stick to those design standards
> *) Modularity: use an awesome stack of nginx/apache, postfix/exim/qmail, 
> dovecot/cyrus/courier, antispam filter, openldap/apache 
> DS/389-Directoryservice, various other tools ... you get the idea ... and on 
> top sogo
> One of the things I am missing most in SOGo is 2 factor authorization, like 
> with yubi key or some other tools.
> Thats an interesting thread, hope we get some more opinions!
> best regards,
> infoomatic


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