Chuck Payne wrote:
I got a problem with a lot spam coming thru and it looks like the main reason is that AWL is on every test and when that is no there it give the e-mail negative points. How can I turn of AWL? And if I turn it off will effect domain and users on my list that I have that are whitelisted?

AWL has no relationship to the normal whitelist. But you really don't want it turned off, you want to fix the reasons why spam from these parties is getting good scores on the first attempt...

FYI: PLEASE!! don't reply to a message and change the subject. Your message got threaded in with the previous topic. On most days, I ignore any such messages. The vast majority of other smart people do the same. To start a new thread, use "Compose Mail To" or whatever your client has...

Jo Rhett
Network/Software Engineer
Net Consonance

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