> Hm.  Your experience differs from mine.  I tried using bayes, spent
> hundreds of hours training bayes with lots of good mail from
> archives, and lots of bad mail, and never got better than .5% (point-
> five or .005) difference in spam detection.  So we stopped using it.
> In comparison, we've jacked the AWL score range and this works great
> for us.
> --
> Jo Rhett

I shouldn't have been so flippant about AWL. What I was trying to do was say
that AWL without a good plan of mgmt can work against you.... much like
anything I spose.

I didn't even know how AWL worked or that it was working when I did my first
SA install.  Ooopps. :-)

Can you please specifically describe what you mean by jacked?

Or better yet, is there a specific howto so to speak for this approach of
yours please??


Thank you Jo.

 - rh

Robert - Abba Communications
   Computer & Internet Services
 (509) 624-7159 - www.abbacomm.net

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