On Mar 28, 2008, at 7:42 AM, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
On 27.03.08 19:58, ram wrote:
I personally dont like the traditional spamcop report method of
Spamcop uses a double confirm method, and to confirm all mails is a
pain. I will look at how to automate this. I trust spamcop should not
mind. This is building spamcops database of spam originating machines

I guess the main reason why SpamCop wants to confirm all submissions it to
avoid automatic submissions. Unless you want to be refused by SpamCop,
confirm everything manually or use other reporting site...

With good reason. We regularly see people enable some sort of automation, and then start feeding us spamcop reports for all of their opt-in mail. We report them, and the spamcop account gets shut down.

Please people: if you're going to try and automate it, then test your automation by sending all the reports to yourself first.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source and other randomness

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