> Your question doesn't really make sense.  The results of the Bayes
> examination
> are rules based on the 0-100 spam probability.
> If I understand what you're asking though, the Bayes system results in
> 1 rule
> hit, whereas there are hundreds of other rules that can all hit, so
> generally
> rules would outweigh Bayes, unless you change the weighting (score) of
> the
> Bayes rule in relation to the other rules.

Thanks for helping. I didn´t understand until now. All make sense.

I'm trying to use SpamAssassin in a structure as such: Postfix + Amavis
+ Clamav + SpamAssassin. Will I lose much considerably in the quality of
my anti-spam if I not use the bayesian rule?

Best Regards,

Thiago Henrique
Network Administration
Digirati Networks
K8 Networks
Hostnet Hosting

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