On Jun 20, 2008, at 12:23 PM, Henrik K wrote:
Jo, you are unbelievable in a funny way.

You always come up with dozens of posts seemingly with the attitude "I must be right". You don't configure things like they should be, and then complain that things don't work. Just set up the friggin networks right and let's continue normal life. If you need help, post your detailed setup so we don't
need to guess.

:-) etc

I'm really not sure what you are saying here, and it's very hard not to read this offensively. I certainly have never said "I must be right" in any form whatsoever, and I certainly don't think it.

I also don't have the vaguest clue what you mean by suggesting that I "don't configure things like they should be" -- most of my configurations are very plain and generic. And exactly as they should be, per the documentation.

The only things I can think you might have a problem with:

1. Not trusting that 10.x packets can't reach my host
* I always do belt-suspenders, and assume that an outside layer of protection might fail

2. Not routing internal networks that don't need internet access directly to an outside host
   * Um... why should I?  Minimal requirement, minimal risk...

How exactly are these things not "the way they should be"?

If you mean something else, please explain.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source and other randomness

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