On 21/06/2008 2:05 PM, Jari Fredriksson wrote:
>> On 21/06/2008 1:10 AM, Sahil Tandon wrote:
>>> I see the following when running sa-update with debug
>>> flags: 
>>> [20528] dbg: conf: trusted_networks are not configured;
>>> it is recommended that you configure trusted_networks
>>> manually 
>> This is expected and intentional.  Your local cf files
>> are not used to lint the rulesets.  Your pre files,
>> however, are. 
>>> However:
>>> # grep trusted /usr/local/etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf
>>> trusted_networks
>>> --lint does not complain, and I know that local.cf is
>>> being otherwise interpreted by SA because custom rules
>>> contained therein are scoring. 
>> Yes, this is also the expected and intentional behaviour.
>> Everything is working as it should.
>> Daryl
> Should? What good is that lint anyway if it can't be used to test local rules?

Yes.  sa-update is specifically designed not to be concerned with your
local rules.  sa-update only cares if the *update* is valid (passes a
lint test).  It ignores your local cf files (since it doesn't care about
them) but uses the pre files so that it can load any plugins that may be
used by the *update* rulesets.

If you want to lint your local rules (in your local cf files) use
"spamassassin --lint" which will all [1] rules that are used by SA on
your system.  The sa-update lint is not meant to be (nor can I see a
reason why you'd want it to be) used to lint test your local rules.

[1] All system wide rules and the current user's per-user rules.


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