Ever since I've updated to the SOUGHT ruleset I get fairly consistent sa-compile failures. I looked through the archives, but found only a note to update to the latest re2c, which I have done with no real change.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ re2c --version
re2c 0.13.5

About once a week the compile succeeds. It normally fails with something like this...

Wide character in print at /usr/local/bin/sa-compile line 376, <$fh> line 3361.
cd Mail-SpamAssassin-CompiledRegexps-body_0
re2c -i -b -o scanner1.c scanner1.re
re2c -i -b -o scanner2.c scanner2.re
re2c: error: line 87, column 8: can't find symbol
command failed! at /usr/local/bin/sa-compile line 279, <$fh> line 3509.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source and other randomness

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