On 08/12/2008 7:09 PM, James Grant wrote:
> Hi all, I've run into a weird situation where spamassassin will (seemingly 
> randomly) only do certain RBL checks. 
> The following are all the same spam message (1.txt), executed ~30 seconds 
> apart:
> $ spamc -y <1.txt
> $ spamc -y <1.txt
> $ spamc -y <1.txt
> I've done it with spamd in debug mode and there's never any warnings or 
> errors about it not doing certain checks, it seems to just leave them out.
> Any thoughts on why this might happen?

Assuming the results were obtained in that order, my first guess would
be an overloaded DNS recursive server and/or a congested Internet

What's the spamd DNS related timing debug output say?  What are you
using for DNS service for your spamd machine?


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