Hi All,

I'm putting together a press release for our upcoming release of Apache
SpamAssassin 3.3.0, our first major code release since the release of
3.2.0 in May 2007 and our first code release since the release of 3.2.5
in June 2008 (we've been doing periodic rule updates since then).

I am currently looking for two quotes from quote-worth sources, AKA,
people from large ISPs or companies, etc.  The better known the
organization is the better for us. :)

If you're one of the above and would be willing to provide a quote for
us to use in a widely distributed press release (PR for us and you!)
please reply to me with such a quote ASAP (preferably by noon Monday).

Quotes like "SpamAssassin has the largest ROI of any software we use",
"SpamAssassin makes email usable", "send Daryl money", etc, are possible



VP Apache, SpamAssassin

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