On 25/03/2010 2:26 PM, Michael Scheidell wrote:
> yes, somehow the sender was in spamcop rbl, and the nightly sa-update
> keeps up to date with 72_active.cf rule..
> but, maybe a score of 5.3 is pretty high for ONE rule?
> (
> KHOP_SC_TOP200 is 3.9.  but since its in the spamcop database, you add
> 1.34. total of 5.3.  )
> score KHOP_SC_TOP200                        3.999 3.999 3.999 3.999
> shouldn't a minor tweak on the score be something that takes into
> account 'network tests' ?
> something like
> score KHOP_SC_TOP200                        3.999 2.65 3.999 2.65

I can't think of a way for the GA to know that the rule contains the
same info as a DNSBL test.  There are rule overlap stats, but I don't
think that would be enough with only a small number of ham occurrences.

I think the correct thing to do would be to modify the KHOP_SC_TOP200 to
be a meta that doesn't fire if the corresponding spamcop DNSBL rule
fires.  Perhaps you could open a bug at
http://issues.apache.org/SpamAssassin/ about it.


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