Am 31.08.2014 um 12:20 schrieb Axb:
> On 08/31/2014 11:58 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:
>>> Are you using RAZOR & PYZOR?
>> "perl-Razor-Agent - Only used for the not enabled by default Razor plugin"
>> so i guess no
> get the source from
> I don't recommend installing via some rpm.
> same with Pyzor
> latest release has quite a few important bugfixes.

i keep both in mind

if it comes to "some rpm" it's in doubt from my own rpmbuilder :-)

>>> Can you post this sample to pastebin?
>> i don't have accounts on any one-click-hoster hence attached as ZIP
> pffffff..  since when does one need an account at

honestly never had a need for pastebin working 11 years
as sysadmin / developer and on most mailing-lists you
see angry respones for linking to external ressources

looks like in case of the SA-list i start to use it in the future

>> the main question is if i should raise up the scores on a machine
>> with a very well trained bayes and if they are only so low to
>> prevent false positives in bad trained environments
> Bayes scores are *not* set to be a sole indicator of spam/ham.
> They're supposed to be yet another indicator

that was my guess and is still so by give BAYES_99 7.0
and reject via milter above 8.5

here are some internal DNSWL in the mix with different
trust levels and the bayes is only trained by myself for
all users since in the past people tended to feed their
"spam bayes" with newsletters they subscribed and for
whatever reason instead unsubscribe mark it as spam

frankly, even parts of my own family called me by phone
saying "can't you block that mails?" and after "have
you subscribed there?" and "yes" a angry "then unsubscribe
there instead bring me to damage the detection for others"

so users in the future will send me spam which made it through
the filter as attachment, after review i move it to the global
train-folder and add the junk coming to one of my 8 accounts
combined with my non-sensible communication as ham

what users in general fail is add enough of their ham to
the mix and mostly fail to reach the 200 at all

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