On Wed, 17 Sep 2014 13:43:49 +0100, RW <rwmailli...@googlemail.com> wrote:

RW> A lot of people don't put mailing lists through Spamassassin, most
RW> of them have already been spam filtered, and to get the best results
RW> you have to extend your internal network and maintain it.

On 18.09.14 22:09, Ian Zimmerman wrote:
Do you mean the "trusted_networks" setting here?

no... they do not filter mail from mailing lists through SA.
it is setting in outside spamassassin, usually in MTA, milter or procmail.

trusted_networks is SA configuration setting so it can't be used when SA is
avoided. Also, it has much different meaning than not scanning mail from
those hosts.
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