Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
I remember I have asked the same some years ago.

the explanation was that the current rule detects empty subject the same as
no subject at all. IIRC it was in fact the same rule as it is now:

header __HAS_SUBJECT           exists:Subject

In a 2007 posting:
| The header "exists:header_name" test really converts into:
|  header_data =~ /./

It was true years ago, but is no longer the case.
The 'exists:' now tests for a presence of a header field
(regardless of its header body - empty or not).

A test like:
  header L_EMPTY_SUBJECT  Subject !~ /\S/

triggers on both cases: missing or empty Subject header field.

Its counterpart:
  header L_NONEMPTY_SUBJECT  Subject =~ /\S/


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