Michael Grant wrote:

I'm getting this message in my mail.log:

spamd: spf: lookup failed: addr is not a string at
/usr/share/perl5/IO/Socket/IP.pm line 646.

I'm running debian stable with Spamassassin from backports:

SpamAssassin Server version 3.4.0
  running on Perl 5.14.2

and libmail-dkim-perl version 0.39 from stable (wheezy)

I see from this thread on gossamer that this may have something to do with


Has anyone made any progress on this?  Anyone found a workaround?

Yes, it's the same issue. The bug is in perl, fixed in 5.18 or later.
A minimal test program triggering the bug was posted in the mentioned
thread by me on 2014-10-29.

A workaround is setting your recursive DNS resolver to return
minimal responses, as suggested by alessio in that thread.
The fix is to upgrade perl.  I considered reporting the issue
to perl, but I doubt anyone would care to backport the fix
to old versions, so I didn't.


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