well, a better setup would run spamassassin via milter *before-queue*
and proper reject junk at SMTP level - so you have a tag level let say
between 5.5 and 7.9 points and reject above 8.0

the flagged ones can go in a seperate folder via sieve and the absolute high score junk is proper rejected and with some luck the spam attempts
go down at all

If you're already using amavisd with postfix and postscreen, would
there be any benefit to considering a milter in this way?

Spamassassin already verifies authenticity, although not pre-queue,
but I'm not sure that's enough for me to introduce another set of
applications to manage...

The usual amavis setup with postfix nowadays is a before-queue setup:

smtpd  pass  -  -  n  -  150  smtpd
    -o smtpd_proxy_filter=inet:[::1]:10024
    -o smtpd_proxy_options=speed_adjust

A milter setup has no advantage over a before-queue proxy setup,
and has some disadvantages (e.g. unable to individually adjust
mail header section in multi-recipient mail messages).

Don't use a content filter in an after queue setup, unless you
give up mail rejections. Non-delivery notifications due to spam/malware
*must* be avoided, discarding mail without letting sender or
recipient be aware about it is not acceptable (and may not be legal),
and delivering tagged junk (or delivering to a dedicated recipient's
folder) may not be appreciated by recipients.


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