Before I do too much work on this, I'd like to do a sanity check. Does anyone know of a client which will access a repo over HTTPS, with an access/bearer token? This gives SSO and multi-factor authentication using OAuth2.

The repo runs behind Apache httpd, which is using mod_auth_openidc. The config file sets 'AuthType openid-connect', and 'Require valid-user'. The repos additionally require a specific claim to access them ('Require claim x:y:z').

This all works with git, using Git Credential Manager <> (GCM; this is a cross-platform .NET Core app).

Basically, two things need to be done:

(1) HTTP requests need to specify 'Authorization: Bearer' with an access token. If you don't have an access token, something (a script, GCM, whatever) has to pop up a browser window and connect to an OAuth2 identity provider (IdP). The user then logs in (with MFA if configured), and the IdP then redirects back to localhost with a token. This means that the 'script' must also run a webserver to extract the token, which it can then add to the GET/POST/whatever request.

(2) Subversion has to know about this in some way, and has to run the script to use a previously-generated token, or request a new one if necessary.

The first step is not, I think, particularly difficult, and there are various existing scripts or apps out there that do some or all of the problem. GCM itself looks pretty complex. I'm not really sure what the complexity is. The choice to use .NET doesn't help (but it has to be multi-platform), but a lot of the complexity is presumably in how to use the credential manager to store tokens. There's also some complexity in handling different targets (GitHub, Bitbucket, Azure, whatever). However, there is a generic setup (which I use; this talks to Keycloak). My entire config (.gitconfig) to talk to Keycloak looks this:

        helper = cache --timeout 7200
        helper = "oauth"

[credential "<URL>"]
        oauthScopes       = "openid email"
        oauthAuthURL      = /keycloak/realms/<REALM>/protocol/openid-connect/auth         oauthTokenURL     = /keycloak/realms/<REALM>/protocol/openid-connect/token
        oauthClientId     = openid-cli
        oauthRedirectUri  =
        oauthClientSecret = <CLIENT-SECRET>

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