Hello Pavel,

That is the question.
Is it possible in version 1.14 to keep this format
(per repository) as it is possible in version 1.8?
I think this is clearer with a large number
of repositories on the server.


Am 17.04.24 um 14:16 schrieb Pavel Lyalyakin:
On Wed, 17 Apr 2024 at 15:08, BK<b...@gmx.de>  wrote:

After the change from Subversion 1.8 to 1.14 on my server
the access rights definitions in the svn_access_file
no longer work.
The following error message appears:
[authz_svn:error] Failed to load the mod_authz_svn config: Error while parsing 
config file: '/opt/csvn/release/data/conf/svn_access_file': svnauthz: E220003: 
Section appears more than once in the authz file: [groups]

Is it no longer possible to define groups more than once
per repository in the acccess file? I find this style
more clearly organised, than to separate all groups
of the repos and the corresponding access rights

Is there a possibility to stay in the old format (Subvesion 1.8)?

Here is an extract from the svn_access_file file.

# server administrators
ApplicationServerAdmins = svnadm, admim1

# ---------------------------------------------------
# access rules for entire server content
# ---------------------------------------------------
@ApplicationServerAdmins = rw

# test1
test1_Administration = @ApplicationServerAdmins, user1
test1_Users = user1

# ---------------------------------------------------
# access rules
# ---------------------------------------------------
@test1_Administration = rw
@test1_Users = rw

# jira_test
jira_test_Administration = @ApplicationServerAdmins, admin2
jira_test_Developer = user2

# ---------------------------------------------------
# access rules
# ---------------------------------------------------
@jira_test_Administration = rw
@jira_test_Developer = rw

Thanks for your help,
I'm not familiar with this particular issue and the error message. But
why does your authz file have multiple [groups] sections? I think that
you should clean up the file and 1) Remove unnecessary entries. 2)
Group all group definitions in a single [groups] section.

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