I'm trying to avoid Spring and use Hivemind to manage my Hibernate service. It's pretty basic stuff but one basic feature is proving very hard to achieve: eager load startup.

In my case I need to reference WebContext (the tapestry component) in my initialisation procedure, but it seems to be 'unresolved' at that point and I get a NullPointerException.

As a result, I'm starting to think there is a gap in how Tapestry and Hivemind are integrated, in that tapestry components cannot be referenced in eager loading services.

It's possible that changing service loading order (in ApplicationServlet.init) solves this, and equally possible that I've missed an obvious alternative.

I've got a thread with all the relevant details:

Paul Stanton
Gunn Software
PH: (02) 9918 3666 (ext 503)

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