any ideas guys .. it seems dojo can't attach the ajax submit handler if i have an onclick on my button - therefore is there a way to pre-pend a handler after dojo has attached to the form aka registerForm?


Paul Stanton wrote:
Hi guys,

I've got a @Form which submits async, and a @Submit. I've also got an onclick js event handler which is causing me some grief, but only for IE:

When the submit button is clicked, in Firefox the js is called, and then the form submits as per expected. however in IE the js is called but the form does not submit.

If I remove the onclick attribute from the @Submit, the form is submitted but the crucial js processing has not been executed. I've tried using onmousedown instead of onclick and also onsubmit on the @Form, none of which help.

It stinks of a dojo bug with ie to me.

Any tips guys?

thanks, p.

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