Hi all,

I installed apache 2.0.55, tomcat 5.0.28, and mod_jk 1.2.15 on a
solaris 5.9unix machine.
Before I connected apache and tomcat, both of them work fine if I start them
up as seperate servers.
Mod_jk is complied from source code and mod_jk.so is copied to

The connected system gives me the tomcat welcome page for URL
( I changed apache to listen to port 7888. ), which seems fine. The problem
is that when
I access the URLs like  http://localhost:7888/jsp-examples/, I got the
following error:
HTTP 404

type Status report

message /jsp-examples/

description The requested resource (/jsp-examples/) is not available.

Apache/Tomcat 5.0.28

For tomcat, I comment out the 8080 port (http) so that to make sure it stops
the http service and only handles the requests
on port 8009 from apache. That's the only modification I did in tomcat.

For apache, I add workers.properties file and edit httpd.conf, both  in
conf/ subdirectory.
The workers.properties is like:


The httpd.conf has the following modification:
Listen 7888

LoadModule    jk_module  modules/mod_jk.so

#config of mod_jk
JkWorkersFile /usr/local/apache2.0.55/conf/workers.properties
JkLogFile     /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.28/logs/mod_jk.log
JkLogLevel    info
JkLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] "
JkOptions     +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat -ForwardDirectories
JkRequestLogFormat     "%w %V %T"
JkMount  /*  worker1
JkMount  /*/*  worker1
JkMount  /*/*/*  worker1
JkMount  /*/*/*/*  worker1
# End of mod_jk

Also the log files seem don't give me much useful info, for example, the
mod_jk.log file has the following line:
[Tue Nov 29 15:33:54 2005] worker1 [localhost] 0.089465

ANy suggestions are overwelcome!


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