Cloudscape, now owned by IBM is a good choice. It can be run as a Standalone server or as an imbedded db running within the JVM with your code. I haven't used it lately, but developed some stuff a few years ago when Sun use to ship it with the J2EE package.

Richard Schilling wrote:

You might try a Java Data Objects implementation:

These are pure object databases, and are reasonably fast. The Sun's reference implementation of JDO is not intended for production use but it's great as a development toolkit.

Richard Schilling

Mieke Banderas wrote:

Given the sad, sad performance findings at:
"No More Apple Mysteries, Part Two"
Date: September 1st, 2005

are there any javabased DB alternatives, that may perform better than
MySQL (or PostgreSQL for that matter)? I prefer free, open sourced DBs or
otherwise with a license that could fit a small business/non profit

I don't enough of JVMs to know if Javabased DBs are usually better
performancewise than MySQL/PostgreSQL, but my thought was that if
everything is kept within the JVM, the weak performance spots in OS X
would be minimized as threads would be handled within JVM rather than
within OS X. Threads being being the prime suspect in the weak MySQL
performance in OS X according Anandtech.

Do you have any thought and/or suggestions on this issue? Experiences you
could share?
My server runs Mac OS X Server 10.2.6 with Java 1.4.1/1.3.1. I can't use
Java 1.5 just yet.

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Web Services Developer

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