-XX:+AggressiveHeap usage for JVM?

This email is pointed almost directly for Carl Oliver, since he seems to
be someone who knows his virtual memory settings, but I figure Joe Reger
might get something out of it too ;)

Evidently this setting by iteself "instructs the JVM to push memory use
to the limit", and is only recommended for use on boxes containing a
single JVM with nothing else running on it (a server running only Tomcat
seems to foot the bill)

It does a few things that Carl suggested implicitly


You can read more about it here:


>From my experience it has made some of our "problem servers" much more
stable, allowing them to run for months without OOM instead of days or
weeks allowing us to actually use session replication without the
servers going bananas ;) We also used to have our Max memory set at
-Xms1300mb and -Xmx1300mb, but I have found that when using the
-XX+Aggressive heap the JVM memory usage rarely tops 1024MB because it's
cleaned out much more efficiently.

Carl what is your take on this? I realize it uses a bit more CPU because
of the adaptive size and parallelGC, but on duel Xeon boxes CPU usually
isn't the limiting factor (at least in our case). 

What gains/loss do you see over using -XX:AggressiveHeap (dynamic,
adjustible settings) vs hard coding fixed settings like you suggest? 


-----Original Message-----
From: Carl Olivier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, December 03, 2005 7:43 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: How much memory will Tomcat 5.5/Java 5 support?

Hi Joe.

Well, heres how I run it - and remember this is all dependent on the
beakdown of requirements of the following:

1.  Web app memory needs - how memory intensive are your web apps within
Tomcat going to be?
2.  Concurrent connections (tcp threads) for incoming requests - how
busy will the web apps be?
3.  Are you running DB connections?  Are you using a Connection pool?
How long will each db connection take to return?
4.  Are you running OTHER applications/servers on the server which will
require memory?  E.g. RDBMS Server 5.  Always be aware that the native
OS will also need memory - thus you cannot just give it all to Tomcat!

So, heres one of my scenarios:

Quad Xeon

Windows 2000 Server (32 bit)

Tomcat 5.0.28 (with 40 web apps/contexts/classloaders) MSSQL Server 2000

My Tomcat runtime switches are as follows:

-Xms768m                                //assign all the JVM heap at
to 768mb
-Xmx768m                                //assign max JVM heap
-Xss128k                                //set the native thread stack
memory allocation down from windows def of 1024kb - very useful
-XX:+UseParallelGC                      //parralel GC - makes use of the
multiple processors
-XX:MaxPermSize=256m            //up the perm gen space (used for
classloading etc) from def 64mb - also useful with lots of web apps
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC          //don't let the System.gc() be called as
could cuse 'pause the world's

I also limit the amount of RAM that MSSQL can have to 640mb - and have
also set the memory allocation size per sql connection down from 1024kb
to 512kb (SQL Server setting) - this is however due to my running MSSQL
Server on the same box and may not apply.

I have thus left some RAM for the OS to use where required - this should
not be ignored.

I found that this is a pretty stable setup - with my only problem
occurring occasionally when I get a MAJOR spike in concurrent requests.
I plan to upgrade to a 64bit OS soon and to up the SQL RAM allocation as
my problem lies there - it sometimes has issues with memory!

It should be noted that my web apps can be fairly SQL intensive - I do
have VM level caching but alas not all of it....

Anyway - I do hope that helps!

Other areas you could look into is the number of concurrent requests
Tomcat serves (set at a Connector level) - as too many will cause memory
issues under load, while too few will cause visitors to be rejected/wait
for response!

Anyway, take care,


-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Reger, Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 03 December 2005 13:19
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: How much memory will Tomcat 5.5/Java 5 support?

> Are you running a 64bit or 32bit OS?  If 32bit the JVM will not be 
> able to assign higher that 2gb for a single process (which includes 
> system overheads etc).

Hi Carl - I'm 32 bit right now.   I'll check the archive for past posts.

How would you go about using more of the memory that I have on the
Can I run two Tomcat services and cluster?

Thanks for the feedback and help!


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