The box itself needs to be associated with a publicly accessible IP address which you should be able to obtain from your ISP. If you are using a router as your point of entry you are going to need to make sure the port that you have tomcat running on is being forwarded properly to the box tomcat is on. Other than that, Tomcat itself doesn't need anything special in the terms of running publicly.

Hope that helps,

Nikolay Georgiev wrote:

My applications are running locally on Tomcat and I would like to make them
accessible from the Internet, but I have absolutely no idea how.
I've tried searching with google, but couldn't find much info.

So I think that first of all I should buy a domain. Let's say that It's name
is . Then somehow I should tell that this domain should
point to my computer at home.
Then I'm asking myself, how to install Tomcat in such a way that it will
accept connections from the Internet.

So I'm not really sure how can I do this thing, maybe someone can point me
the right direction?


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