
> > Martin, I can't get a HttpServletRequest from Filter.init.
> > I can get a ServletContext... but I can also get that from a 
> > ServletContextListener. So I can throw away this silly Filter now.
> One reason a filter would be better is you can fully 
> construct the URL dynamically, including the method and all 
> that.  Could you possibly map it to just the initial entry 
> point of your app so that it doesn't fire with each request?

Yeah I thought about that... unfortunately I can't be sure that the
users will enter from the homepage or any other particular point.

> Another even more hack-ey solution might be to have a servlet 
> that runs on startup, and from it fire off a request to a 
> specific URL that goes through your filter.  Your filter then 
> calculates the app's URL and sticks it in application scope.  
> The servlet is no longer needed, nor is the filter, and 
> shouldn't affect anything after that.
> Seems like a lot of trouble for what your after though :)

Although, how would the startup servlet know what the magic URL is? I
guess it would have to start with the full URL of the app. Which is
where we came in :)

Doesn't matter anyhow, it's working ok... Thanks a lot for your help.


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