Mladen Turk wrote:
No. It works with any protocol.

 <Proxy balancer://mycluster>
  BalancerMember ajp://hotstandby status=disabled
  BalancerMember ajp://node1 redirect=hotstandby
  BalancerMember ajp://node2 redirect=hotstandby
  BalancerMember ajp://nodeN redirect=hotstandby

The only problem is that it's not documented ;)
That was exactly what I hoped! :)

But: Whatever I try with status=disabled in the BalancerMember line (->
using "", '' , DISABLED, 0,..), it says:
*Starting httpd2 (prefork) Syntax error ..
*BalancerMember Unknow status parameter option

Right, sorry :)
status=d or status=D
(a single letter).
there is additional stopped option (s), so you can
concat those, (eg. status=SD means stopped and disabled).

If you edit httpd.conf and restart apache then you add
+ or - prefixes.
For example if status was disabled you can edit httpd.conf,
and set 'status=-D'. On graceful restart it will remove
disabled flag.


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