Remy Maucherat wrote:
On 2/28/06, Peter Lin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

honestly, besides Weblogic, most servlet and ejb containers do not provide
simple and clear instructions for tracing issues. With websphere, you have
to buy an expensive license of WASD and even then debugging an issue won't
be better in my experience. Debugging an webapp is a difficult task and very
time consuming. I sympathize with you, but the only real way to trace is to
use a profiler like optimizeIt, jprofiler or yourkit. An alternative would
be to run tomcat with Sun's JFluid VM which is experimental.

How does BEA do that ? JRockit ? JFluid could be a way (when you're
not profiling, the overhead is limited), but on production servers
it's still not doable as enabling profiling would kill it. Of course,
memory profiling could be low impact, and would be great already.

On production, you can always use JDK jhat/jmap available in 1.5 and Mustang. This can gives you a snapshot of the heap/memory and other usefull things without paying the price of a profiler....

-- Jeanfrancois

Rémy Maucherat
Developer & Consultant
JBoss Europe

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