Thanks for the reply Ron

So what you're saying is that once the page has loaded the bean, it discards it? Which means I can send a bean from a servlet to a page but I can't extract a bean from a page? Is that correct based on my code?

So what I'm thinking now is to store the bean in the session.setAttribute method, would that save the bean and allow me to extract it in another servlet?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Day, Ron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 7:56 PM
Subject: RE: [SPAM] - Problems with extracting beans from a JavaServer Page - Bayesian Filter detected spam

If I have followed your code fragments correctly, it looks like your
bean is in request scope and it will go away between requests.

Ron Day
Senior Developer
e-Rewards, Inc.
8401 N. Central Expressway, Suite 900
Dallas, TX 75225
Voice: 214.782.2834
Fax: 214.782.2900

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Whitby [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 1:47 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: [SPAM] - Problems with extracting beans from a JavaServer Page
- Bayesian Filter detected spam

Hey all,

This may seem like a really dense question so apologies if it is but I
have the following code on a jsp page:

<jsp:useBean id="gameBean" type="FYPCode.GameBean" scope="request" />
<FORM ACTION="MatchController">
  <jsp:getProperty name="gameBean" property="day" />&nbsp;
  <jsp:getProperty name="gameBean" property="dayNumber" />&nbsp;
  <jsp:getProperty name="gameBean" property="month" />&nbsp;
  <jsp:getProperty name="gameBean" property="year" /><br>
  <jsp:getProperty name="gameBean" property="homeTeam" />&nbsp;vs&nbsp;
  <jsp:getProperty name="gameBean" property="awayTeam" /><br>
  <jsp:getProperty name="gameBean" property="venue" />&nbsp;
  <jsp:getProperty name="gameBean" property="kickOffTime" />, kick
  <b>Allocated Tickets:&nbsp;</b><jsp:getProperty name="gameBean"
property="allocatedTickets" />
  To choose to buy tickets for this match, click on the button below
which will take you to the ground page where you can choose which stand
to sit in.<br>
  <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="BuyMatch" VALUE="Buy Tickets for this
  <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="ViewMatch" VALUE="View Stadium Plan of the
match venue">

Now when I press one of the buttons it diverts to the right servlet but
I am having a problem with the JavaBean in the servlet.  You see I want
to extract the Bean from the page and use it in the code in my servlet.
Now the servlet that loads up that page is different (it's called
SearchServlet) to the one that deals with the button pressing

SearchServlet passes it to the page as follows:

GameBean gameBean = (GameBean) matches.get(0);
request.setAttribute("gameBean", gameBean);
address = "/match.jsp";
RequestDispatcher dispatcher = request.getRequestDispatcher(address);
dispatcher.forward(request, response);

Now in the MatchServlet servlet I have tried extracting the Bean using
the code:

GameBean gb = (GameBean) request.getAttribute("gameBean");

But it is coming back as a null pointer error.  I've also tried getting
it using this code:

HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
GameBean gb = (GameBean) session.getAttribute("gameBean");

But again I'm getting a null pointer error.

Can anyone help me and tell me how I can extract the gameBean from the

Many thanks

Mark Whitby

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